Regulation (Eu) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing ofpersonal data, and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred toas “GDPR”) provides the protection of individuals in relation to the processingof personal data.In order to ensure the protection mentioned above, according to thearticles 13 and 14 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), clear and transparentinformation shall be provided to the data subject.
This information must be about:
a) the processing of personal data.
b) the exercise of the subject’s rights.
The present information note is provided, according to the law mentionedabove, to make for you clear and transparent every information related to theprocessing of your personal data done by Rinaldi 1957 S.p.a. single shareholderand because of the role you play as subject of the processing.
On the understanding that the processing of your data is based on theprinciples of lawfulness, fairness and transparency, purpose limitation, dataminimisation, accuracy, retention limitation, integrity and confidentiality,accountability, protecting your privacy and rights according to the art. 5GDPR, based on the law mentioned before it is specified that the informationnote is given in observance to the article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)and to the article 13 of legislative decree n. 196/2003 – (Personal dataprotection law code) to whom that interact with the website’s web services.The information note is provided only for the processings on data carriedout by Rinaldi 1957 S.p.a. single shareholder also through its own websites andnot for other websites visited through links that may be present.
As result of the consultation of this website the data related toidentified or identifiable individuals can be processed.
The data controller is the company Rinaldi 1957 S.p.a. single shareholder,in the person of pro-tempore legal representative, whose registered office islocated in Bologna (BO) in Viale Masini 34.
Data processing related to this website’s web services take place at theabove-mentioned Rinaldi 1957 S.p.a. single shareholder’s location, and arehandled only by the personnel in charge of the processing, under the directauthority of the controller, to perform website maintenance operations.
The personal data provided by clients/suppliers/users are used only to meetthe contractual obligations and/or provide the services offered by the Rinaldi1957 S.p.a. single shareholder’s website, also for the orders’ upload and theonline purchase of products, and for purposes related to the management of itsreports and to the access to all the additional services provided by Rinaldi1957 S.p.a. single shareholder. The incomplete or inaccurate communication ofnecessary data during the registration into the website will make the servicesand activities offered by the website itself unsuitable for use.
Furthermore, the Rinaldi 1957 S.p.a. single shareholder company may use theinformation about itself, after its necessary and explicit permission, for thefollowing purposes:
a) To send advertising and promotional material: Using information tosend, also via email and other means of communication, advertising/promotionalmaterial;
b) Data communication to third parties for promotional purposes: Using datafor the transmission to also third parties for whom knowing your personal datais necessary or otherwise functional for the accomplishment of the activity ofthe Rinaldi 1957 S.p.a. single shareholder company.
The data provision for the purposes listed above in a) and b) is optional:your potential refusal will imply the impossibility for the Rinaldi 1957 S.p.a.single shareholder to carry on with related activities.
The personal data that you provide are collected in line with theobligations and guarantees of the law, related to the contract and theregulations. The data processing takes place using paper and/or telematicmethods, also via electronic means, directly and/or through third partiesdelegated only for purposes connected to the provided services’ execution,according to logic strictly related to the purposes mentioned before and, inany case in such a way as to ensure privacy and security of personal data.
Rinaldi 1957 S.p.a. single shareholder company handles your personal dataand processes them directly through third parties’ work that operate asManagers or subjects authorized to take care of the processing.
No data resulting from the web service is forwarded or distributed, exceptin the cases where it’s specifically required by law.
Personal information provided by clients/suppliers/users will be retainedfor the whole period of service utilisation. After the cancellation requestfrom the service provided online, users’ data will be retained for 30 moredays. After this period of time, data will be permanently deleted.
The company processes every contact information (name, contact details,bank details) necessary for the contract and service execution. For this sitebrowsing data are processed. The computer systems and software proceduresresponsible for the proper functioning of this website acquire, during itsnormal activity, certain personal information whose transmission is implicit inthe use of Internet communication protocols. Such information is not collectedin order to associate it to identified subjects, but due to its very nature,through processes and cross-referencing with data held by third parties, it maylead to the users identification. This data category includes IP addresses ordomains of computers used by users that log in onto the site, addresses in URI(Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time ofthe request, the procedure used to submit the request to the server, the filesize obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the response statusgiven by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters related tothe users' operative system and computer environment.
These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information aboutthe use of the website and to check the proper functioning and they are deletedright after the processing. The data may be used for the verification ofresponsibility in case of hypothetical cyber crimes committed against ourwebsite: apart from this eventuality, web contact data are not being kept morethan a few days.
The optional, explicit or voluntary transmission of emails to addressesshown on this website implies the subsequent acquirement of the sender'saddress, necessary to reply to requests, in addition to other personal dataincluded in the communication. Specific summary information will be cited orvisualised in the web pages dedicated to particular services on request.
This document, based on art. 13 of the GDPR, on articles 13 and 122 ofD.Lgs. 196/2003 and following the simplified arrangements to provide theinformation and about the acquisition of the permission regarding the use ofcookies, published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale n.126 of June 3rd 2014 andprovided by the general measure of the Italian Data Protection Authority of May8th, provides information to the visitors about what Cookies are, how they areused and how to manage them.
Cookies are small text strings that sites visited by the user send to histerminal (usually to the browser), where they are stored to be thenretransmitted to the sites themself during the next visit of the same user.
Cookies consist of portions of code installed in the browser that assistthe data controller in providing the service according to the purposesdescribed, some of the cookies installation purposes could be, also, need theuser’s permission.
For this site are used only cookies called “technical” with the solepurpose of “carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electroniccommunications network, or when strictly necessary for the service provider ofthe information company specifically requested by the subscriber or user toprovide the specific service” (see art. 122, comma 1, of D.Lgs. 196/2003). Theso-called “profiling” cookies are not used (such cookies are designed to createuser profiles and are used for sending advertising messages tailored to thepreferences shown by visitors while browsing the web). The site doesn’t allowthe sending of cookies to “third parties", (installed by a different sitethrough our site).
The use of so-called “session” cookies (that are not memorised in apersistent manner on the user's computer and that vanish when the browser isclosed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifying data(consisting of random numbers generated by the server) that are necessary toenable the site to be explored safely and effectively. The so-called sessioncookies used in this site avoid the use of other computer techniques that couldpotentially compromise the privacy of the users while browsing and don’t allowto acquire personal data that could lead to identify the user. The user can inany moment and at will prevent the use of cookies modifying the browser’soptions.
The “analytic” cookies (that are used to supervise the use of the site bythe user for the purpose of optimizing the site itself) are exclusively usedfor collect information, in aggregate form, about the number of users and howthey use the site. The mentioned cookies are achieved and used directly fromthis website, without any involvement of third parties.
Except for what it has been said about browsing data, the user is free toprovide personal data contained in the specific electronic application form, inthe website sections designed for specific services on request. The lack ofprovision can result in the impossibility to obtain what required.
Personal data are processed with automated systems and only for the timestrictly necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they have been collected.Technical and organisational measures are taken that are necessary to assure,for the concerned processing, the application of the current legislation, whilethe additional information for the attribution of personal data to a datasubject are separately stored.
The data subject who claims to have suffered a violation in the dataprocessing in accordance with the GDPR, has the right of filing a complaint tothe supervisory authority, particularly to the member State in which hehabitually resides, work, or in the place where the alleged violation tookplace.
The subjects to which the personal data are related have the right in anymoment to obtain from the data controller confirmation as to whether or notpersonal data concerning him are being processed, and, where that is the case,obtain: the right to revoke the permission for processing the personal data(art. 7 comma 3 GDPR), the access to the personal data and the containedinformation (art. 15 GDPR), the right of rectification (art. 16 GDPR), theright of cancellation (Art.17 GDPR), the right of restriction of processing(art. 18 GDPR), the right to personal data portability (art. 20 GDPR) and theright of objection (art. 21 GDPR).
The data party, in order to exercise his rights, will have to file arequest to: Rinaldi 1957 S.p.a. single shareholder writing to the address VialeMasini n. 34 Bologna (BO), or send an email to:
Rinaldi 1957 S.p.A.
V.le A. Masini, 34 - 40126 Bologna (Italia)
Fiscal Code/VAT number 13327260157